General Information
The undergraduate curriculum at the deparyment of Materials Science and Engineering lasts five (5) years. Upon successful completion of all requirements, the graduate receives a Diploma in Materials Science and Engineering (Dipl. Eng.) with an integrated Master's degree. The curriculum is organized in ten (10) full-time semesters (two per academic year, fall semester and spring semester).
The courses are provided in Greek language.
The courses comprise teaching and laboratory exercises. The presence of students in laboratory exercises is obligatory. Laboratory exercises consist of experimental work and writing of report as well as final exam at the end of the semester. Special attention is paid to issues related to the safety in the Laboratories.
The exams take place twice per year for each discipline (at the end of each semester and for all disciplines in September). There is practically no limit of participation to exams for each student (until to successfully pass the exams).
The Secretariat of the Department monitors and records the progress of the students. It also deals with all their administration issues (e.g. issue of student card, certificates etc.).
In frame of the Greek Constitution and the Laws of the Greek State, the students (as well as everybody in the University) are also subjected (in terms of their rights and duties) in the Internal Rules and Regulations of the University of Ioannina and the decisions of the General Assembly of the Department.
Upon successful completion of all the course requirements, the graduate receives a Diploma in Materials Science and Engineering (Dipl. Eng.). In particular, all registered students of the Materials Science and Engineering Department of the University of Ioannina are required to attend and successfully pass, during the first nine semesters, forty nine (49) compulsory courses and fourteen (14) elective courses included in the curriculum.
In addition, during the last two semesters of their studies, 9th and 10th, the students must work on their Diploma Thesis. This includes the technical and scientific elaboration of an original research project, the submission of the written Thesis and its successful public defense in front of a three-member examining committee and audience, as well. Due to the importance of Diploma Thesis, it has a pronouncedly high weight in the final score and practically counts as eight (8) compulsory courses. The available directions of Diploma Thesis are structural and industrial materials, functional materials, and electronic materials.
From 8th semester onwards, the students are optionally provided with the opportunity of Practical Exercise in private or public sector during summer months.
A Materials Engineer (or a Graduate of Materials Science and Engineering) is involved with the design, synthesis, characterization and quality control of all types of technical materials, within the framework of safety-sustainability-environment respect-cost-performance.
To respond to the above multiple professional tasks, the students of the Materials Science and Engineering Department of the University of Ioannina are educated and trained with the aim to understand and solve a wide range of physical, chemical, biological, and technical/engineering problems covering nano- and micro- scale.
The Materials Science and Engineering Department of the University of Ioannina offers a well-balanced, state-of-the-art undergraduate program of studies aiming at training and mastering in the fundamental and technical aspects of Materials Science and Engineering. Upon successful completion of the Materials Science and Engineering curriculum, the graduates are equipped to effectively deal with a variety of physical, chemical, biological and engineering/technical aspects during the design, process, evaluation and final application stages. The acquired skills allow the graduate of Materials Science and Engineering to solve complex problems (such as translating information from nano to micro-scale) to new products and processes) and exercise professional leadership in industry, academia, and the public sector.