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Leonidas N. Gergidis
Professor Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Porous, Composites and Polymeric Materials ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Academic Titles
Educational & Professional Experience
Teaching Activities in the Department
ResearchAssistant Professor of “Ceramics and Composite Materials” in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece (2001-2007) Interests
Representative Publications
Academic Titles
- BSc.in Physics, Department of Physics, University of Patras, Greece (1995)
- Ph.D inChemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Greece (2000)
- Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science (2019-today)
- Assistant Professor (Tenure-track appointment), Department of Materials Science (2018-2019)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece ( 2014-2018)
- Lecturer, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece (2011-2014)
- Lecturer (Fixed Term), Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece (2003-2007)
- Post doctoral researcher, Department of Chemical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, USA (2008-2009)
- Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction
- Mathematics III: Ordinary Differential Equations
- Mathematics IV: Partial Differential Equations
- Laboratory of Materials I
- Mathematical modeling of wave scattering and wave propagation in materials and materials with microstructure using numerical implementations with special functions, finite elements for applications in biomaterials
- Modeling of composites, electronic materials and integrated devices for power generation
- Modeling using Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo molecular simulations of porous materials
- Numerical simulation of micromagnetic problems with finite elements and finite differences for nanomagnetic materials with applications in information storage, magnetic sensors and medicine
- In the framework of basic research, development of problem solving techniques for classical boundary value problems. Study of stochastic differential equations for inverse problems
- Karalis G. Tzounis L., Lambrou E., Gergidis L.N., Paipetis A., A carbon fiber thermoelectric generator integrated as a lamina within an 8-ply laminate epoxy composite: Towards efficient thermal energy harvesting by structured materials, Applied Energy, 253, 113512 (2019)
- Stavrou V.D., Kourounis D., Dimakopoulos K., Panagiotopoulos I.,Gergidis L.N., Magnetic Skyrmions in FePt Nanoparticles having Reuleaux 3D Geometry: A Micromagnetic Simulation Study, NanoScale, 11, 20102 (2019)
- Gergidis L.N., Kourounis D., Mavratzas S., Charalambopoulos A., Numerical Investigation of the Acoustic Scattering Problem from Penetrable Prolate Spheroidal Structures using the Vekua Transformation and Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41, pp 5124-5139 (2018)
- Charalambopoulos A., Gergidis L.N., A novel stochastic method for the solution of direct and inverse exterior elliptic problems,Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 76, 1, pp 65-111 (2018)
- Tzounis P.N., Gergidis L.N., Matikas T.E., Charalambopoulos A., Mathematical investigation of interfacial property in fiber reinforced model composites, Journal of Composites B, 43, 6, 2605-2612 (2012)
- Gergidis L.N., Kalogirou A., Vlachos C., Dendritic brushes under good solvent conditions: A Simulation Study, Langmuir, 28 (49) , pp. 17176-17185 (2012)
- Vavva M. G., Protopappas V.C., Gergidis L.N., Charalambopoulos A., Fotiadis D. I., Polyzos D., Velocity dispersion curves of guided waves propagating in a free gradient elastic Plate: Application to Cortical Bone, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), 125,no 5, 3414-3427 (2009)
- Gergidis L.N., Kourounis D., Mavratzas S., Charalambopoulos A., Acoustic scattering in prolate spheroidal geometry via Vekua tranformation: Theory and Numerical results, C.M.E.S.: Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science, 21, no.2,157-175 (2007)
- Gergidis L.N., Theodorou D.N., Jobic H., Dynamics of n-butane-methane mixtures in silicalite using quasielastic neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of PhysicalChemistry B, 104, 5541-5552 (2000)
- Gergidis L.N., Theodorou D.N., Molecular dynamics simulations of n-butane-methane mixtures in silicalite, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 103, 3380-3390 (1999)