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Book of Abstracts




For your accommodation in Ioannina the Organizing Committee has made specific arrangements with the following hotels and the price per room is given below. We inform you that the number of the available rooms is limited.

Hotels Category Single Room Price Double Room Price Telephone and FAX
Serai Xenia
***** 117€ 162€

Tel.: +30 2651 0 90550
Fax: +30 2651 0 90557

Du Lac **** 88€ 128€ Tel.: +30 2651 0 59100
Fax: +30 2651 0 59200
Olympic *** - 135€ Tel.: +30 2651 0 25888
Fax: +30 2651 0 22041
Galaxy ** 51€ 75€ Tel.: +30 2651 0 25432
Fax: +30 2651 0 30724
Niarchios Student Halls - 30€ 40€

Tel.: +30 2651 0 69147
Fax: +30 2651 0 69229

More information for the hotels:

For the Hotel Grand Serai Xenia the price include demipension. For booking you should deposit the 30% of the full expenses. The bank receipt should be send via Fax to the hotel. Booking should be done till 08/15/08.
Bank Account: Pireaus Bank 5406-034381491 Akth Ariadni Α.Ε.

For the Hotel Du Lac the price include breakfast. For booking you should deposit the price for one day accommodation. Booking should be done till 07/11/08.

For the Hotel Olympic the price include breakfast. For booking you should deposit the 45% of the full expenses. Booking should be done till 07/15/08.
Bank Account: Alfa Bank 371/002320000561 and National Bank of Greece 359/47022634

Lastly, for the Hotel Galaxy the price include breakfast.

To make a reservation at Niarchios Student Hall you should communicate via Email with the president of the organizing committee, Prof. G. Floudas, via email at the email address gfloudas (AT) cc.uoi.gr

There are also other hotels that you could made a reservesion, but there is no special price. You could find a list for these hotels from the site of Municipality of Ioannina by clicking here.






P. Georgopanos, DMSE - UoI
2008 ©
