Grana Eftychia, M. Sc.
Ph. D. Candidate of the Graduate Program: “Chemistry and Technology of Materials” , of the Depts. Materials Science and Engineering - Chemistry, University of Ioannina.
Bachelor Diploma from the Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina. (UoI 2005)
Diploma Thesis: “Synthesis of Well Defined Dendritic Homopolymers of Polybutadiene and Polyisoprene of High Microstructure 3,4”. (UoI 2005)
Supervisor: Associate Professor A. Avgeropoulos.
M. Sc. from the Graduate Program: “Chemistry and Technology of Materials” , of the Depts. Materials Science and Engineering - Chemistry, University of Ioannina with title: ""(UoI 2008)
Supervisor: Associate Professor A. Avgeropoulos.
Ph.D. Thesis: “Complex Architectures of Condusting polymers”.
Supervisor: Associate Professor A. Avgeropoulos.
Research Interests:
Synthesis of Conductiong Polymers
“Synthesis and Molecular Characterization of Polythiophene Block Co-, Ter-Polymers and Four-Arm Star Homopolymer”
Grana E., Katsigiannopoulos D., Avgeropoulos A.* and Goulas V.
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 2008, 13, 108.